Friday, 25 July 2014


I don't think that if you take a bike to work your a douche, or if you use it for recreation its fine, but to think just by taking a bike you are given priority over drivers. 

In England (seriously you Americans, stop calling it Britain, cos that includes Scotland, Whales and Ireland) cyclists think that they can ignore any rules set for drivers. They don't really annoy me because of this, its the reason why they think they have the priority that annoys me. The reason they think they can have priority is because of how they are "saving the world" and that if your a cyclist you 100% go to heaven because your "saving the world".

The average English cyclist is equipped with lights, gear, pumps... Its kinda stupid, because the only place they are going is probably Asda.

I think if all the cyclists in England joined forces, they could invade France (sarcasm for the more derpy of you).

The reason I made this post is because I almost got ran over by a self-riteous cyclist just the other day.

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