Saturday, 2 August 2014

Modern Sitcoms

There is only two good sitcoms in the history of these fowl creations, and those are: Scienfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm (please don't kill me for copyright). Newer ones are so messed up. I recently watched an episode of one called "Modern Family" and I think, if thats what people find funny nowadays... I don't know what to tell ya.

Newer sitcom's humour revolves around:
-A) women punching each other
-B) Pies/Fluids to the face (literally in every sitcom, there is a moment when a person gets a pie, or any sort of fluid or food in their face)
-C) Happens in New York 90% of the time
-D) Try's to have an actually emotional moment, that is even funnier than the jokes in the sitcom.
-E) There is always some sort of bar/caffe involved
-F) If theres not a house involved, then the people are probably living in a penthouse apartment, that looks like it would cost a million grant.

For me, the episodes are hard to keep track of, unless you can absorb the unrealistic storyline really well. Oh well, maybe humanity will one day return to its former glory, or just die in the dumps. Proof of -B:

exhibit a) 1900s sitcom
exhibit b) Big Bang Theory

Update 1

HI, sorry to anyone who actually reads this blog, for not posting recently! Cool stuff is coming and there will be loads of rants today!

Blogs icon may change and I will consider making a "top ten" rant! If anyone thinks a rant for the top ten worst trends would be good, feel free to leave a comment.

Incase anybody was wondering this blog is a JOKE! So most of my rants, are just pesky subjects I decide to make fun of. If you see a post with the title MEGA RANT, that means, I really serious about the post, but there will not be many of these.

Stay tuned!

Friday, 25 July 2014


I don't think that if you take a bike to work your a douche, or if you use it for recreation its fine, but to think just by taking a bike you are given priority over drivers. 

In England (seriously you Americans, stop calling it Britain, cos that includes Scotland, Whales and Ireland) cyclists think that they can ignore any rules set for drivers. They don't really annoy me because of this, its the reason why they think they have the priority that annoys me. The reason they think they can have priority is because of how they are "saving the world" and that if your a cyclist you 100% go to heaven because your "saving the world".

The average English cyclist is equipped with lights, gear, pumps... Its kinda stupid, because the only place they are going is probably Asda.

I think if all the cyclists in England joined forces, they could invade France (sarcasm for the more derpy of you).

The reason I made this post is because I almost got ran over by a self-riteous cyclist just the other day.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014


OK... When I was 3 I enjoyed some cartoons, and my sister adored My Little Pony. Sadly the enjoyment stops at 4 when you realise you can't stand their high pitched voices and mental ass- tattoos. 

There are many people, that continue to worship these "ponies" and base their life around these animals. By this I don't mean they like real ponies, like at the ranch or whatever, I literally mean the ponies from My Little Pony. Their rooms are filled with posters of FlutterShine or RanbowSplash or whatever! These people dominate deviantART, because of their terrible fan art and frightening cross human hybrids. 

They mock the certain subject they choose to make their art on for example, I love the game "Papers, Please", and there is no fan art for that game...EXEPT FOR PATRONISING BRONIES, seriously look, this is the only result for Papers, Please! Not only that but they basically have one for every single game, movie and book on earth. I would publish more, but I don't think my computer processor has the loading capability to support these 
quadrillions of worthless bronie arts!
OK... How...Why...I don't even know. (this is based on
game Hotline Miami)
This is annoying, I mean, who cares?
if you take a pony and put it in a game

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Minecraft Emo Skins

In Minecraft, nothing screams ten year old, like a kid with a skin, displaying them as a cool teenage emo. Most kids who wear these are only 10, and spend 6 hours a day, playing Minecraft.
Typical "emo skin"

Why do they do it? They probably look up to all the actual emos, and wish they were one. They think that just because in Minecraft they wear headphones and a jacket, they are cool... but everyone knows that they are not. 

These kids are commonly referred to as squealers, who are commonly open to harassment and "trolling" in Minecraft multiplayer. The problem is if they were less concerned about how they appeared in Minecraft, than they did in real life, and spent less time playing a game with strangers who may or may not be trolls, they would a) be less open to online harassment and b) not be dubbed as a teenage wannabe. 

My proof that most emos are 10 year olds:
-a)Their usernames are usually like: "skillerkiller1000000" and "Cool_max1111" and if thats what 17 year olds call themselves nowadays, then God help us.
-b) Have you ever seen a troll video when a kid got trolled? In every single one of those, the kid who ends up screaming or crying, has an emo skin on.

Conclusion- Be honest on the internet, because wearing a cool skin, with awesome headphones and slick bangs, is not really who you are is it? In fact Im pretty sure, you just look like this: 
You in real life
You in Minecraft 


This is a blog, dedicated to rants about things that do annoy me. Rant topics can be commented, and I will see if they do apply to me.

In life there are countless things that fee absurd and plain terrible, that are often dismissed, and sometimes praised. Only the great philosophers of all time could analyse, the great faults of humanity. As one of the worlds few people who find that rants are a good way to save society from utter breakdown, by stating the things that nobody dare questions, along with people like Grumpy Cat and other great observers of our days.

In other words, people who rant, are expressive of the truth, and are unwilling to go by without questioning like the rest of the crowd.

Thank you
Jovan Jankovic